Both papers and posters should be submitted via the START conference submission system.
If you’ve never registered as a user in the Softconf START conference management system, follow the link “New user? please register first by clicking HERE.” to create a user entry for yourself. If you used this system to submit a proposal to Translating and the Computer 2012-2014, or for any other conference that uses this START system, you can use your previous user name to enter the system. “If you lost or forgot your password”, there is a link on the site labelled as such, to reset your password.
This website and the second announcement will also provide formatting guidelines in the form of Word (and LaTeX) stylesheets in due time. These MUST be used/adhered to for final papers/posters to be published in the e-proceedings.
Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection of their submissions by 10 August 2015. Authors whose submissions are accepted for oral presentation will subsequently have the option to submit a full paper for inclusion in the conference proceedings, which will be produced as part of an e-publication, with an ISBN, and distributed and made available for conference delegates. Speakers’ final presentations must be submitted by 30 September 2015, in order to be included in the conference e-proceedings. Speakers will be required to register for the conference and pay a reduced registration fee.