Wilker Aziz
Universiteit van Amsterdam
I am a Research Associate at the University of Amsterdam working with Prof Khalil Sima`an. My work focusses on better inference for machine translation, particularly, algorithms which enable inference under complex models. I also work on alignment models and paraphrasing. Recently, I’m interested in deep generative models for structure prediction tasks beyond sequence labelling. The idea is to employ the flexibility of neural networks for feature induction while retaining some of the interpretability inherent to graphical models.
I am currently a member of the Statistical Language Processing and Learning Lab, at the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation. Before joining UvA, I was a postdoc at the University of Sheffield. I obtained my PhD from the University of Wolverhampton (UK) in February 2014. My career started in Brazil, where I obtained in 2010 a BSc degree in Computer Engineering from the Engineering School of the University of Sao Paulo.